Saturday, June 11, 2011

blog 25 final project

This film "Flow:for love of water by Irena Salina talks about how all the virus and bacteria water have 500-700 thousand people get sick from drinking tap water.40% of people that get stomach virus come from drinking the water.alot of people have chemical on their body beacause when they take shower.they said that it is only females fish in the water theres no males.also they states that children below 5 will die beacause of drinking water they are also at risk.they will end povert with regards to access to water.

Friday, May 13, 2011

blog 21

In this passage the new industrial migrant part 1 stated that 1980s young man and woman from mexico started traveling. meatpacking jobs offered little more than poverty wages. five thousand different people were employed during one eighteen -month period and then the average woker either quit or get fired every three months.most of the worker cant speak english and also immigrants that live in river park.the workers get pay at $9.25 an hour.they only get health insurance after every six months on the job.and also only get vacation pay after a year. I dont
     In part 2 it talk about that IBP was the first to recognized that immigrants would work for lower wages than american had help homeless living  at shelter, hired buses to export workers from all around .they dont hire workers that are undocumented, people that are not able to wrk in the united states.poor workers without health insurance driv eup local medical costs.the company plans use a homeless shelter as working soon backfired.

blog 20

      I like this food unit because it tells alot of people the right kind of food u should one of the film that we seen in my english class it was about supersize me about a man that had a good health so he decide to eat mcdonald evryday after that his health was bad another film that i didnt like was when they had mcdolads and other food in a container and they had it in there for like 9 weeks every other things had mold had them except for the mcdonald fries that had me not eating mcdonalds anything.another film was bout these little kids and they was askin them whatz the name of some healty food and the kids didnt know half of them that was really sad. 
      the food unit is connect to "The Allegory of the cave,The trus man show And the matrix,Red pill or blue pills because at the end of everything everybody always find the true.they was like lie about what is real and what is not real like in the food unit alot of people seen that water is better from the pipe other than from people selling water and the street .The headline on dr X page the brave new world in this class everybody learn something new and they also learn the truth.
      In the cat 2 i diid better than the first cat and the second cat i only need like 3 more point to the get a passing grades i think i juss need more time on putting my essay in my own words and relate it to the passage so that i could pass.Im still facing problems with writing my essay in my own worlds other than that im good in other things.I need to start improving ing my vocabulary words.i feel like i have been doin better in my writing skills i juss hope that i pass this test so that i could go to eng101 to see how it is.i would also want to see how the next unit goin to be about.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

blog 19

      In michael pollan's advice on how to eat healthy he states that yould not eat food that your grand-mother wouldnt recognize.The items in pollan's advice that make sense to me is when he said you should stay away from food in products that containing ingredients that are unfamiliar,unpronounceable and high-fructosebcorn sryrup.I should impement staying away from food in the middle aisle and ony stay in the center where the fresh food would be at.I think shoppin the peripheries of the supermarket and stay away from the middle aisle would be hard for alot of people because when they go shopping they also go to the middle aisle.  would eat more cook food that would be cheat fast and easy.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

blog 18 summarizing & responding to "where the whale be at"

 this passage "Where the whale be at?:the place of race &Racism in the discussion of enviromentalism By terry J.cole the author states that "The issue are usually racism,the proverbial "glass ceiling" econmics and equal opportunity regarding justice,healthcare and education. he stated that native americans are similar in their attitude of respect to many people of color.U.s.general acounting office estimate that between 13,000 and 450,000 abandoned waste site is located near people of color communities.cole stated that 600,000 students mostly african american attented public schools,he also stated that seventy-one percent of african americans live in counties that violate federal air pollution as opposied to 58 percent of white americans.he stated that black people are most likely to get live that doctors are less likely to keep a black person alive if they fall into cardiac arrest I disagree with this because i dont think a doctor will only wanna keep a white person alive another than  black person.he also stated that half all neighborhoods of color people have full access to a full service gocery store.he saying that white neighborhood have a fourtimes more supermarket than others."eating organic food or at least more vegetables and fruit would decrease the medical diasters listed above

Monday, May 2, 2011

blog 17-Summarizing and Responding to "The End of Overeating."

In the End of overeating, by david A.Kessler,A former commissioner of the food and drugs.I argues that much of processed food is being engineered to create addiction.mixed ingridents in different but highly caloric combinations.The create "a lot of fun in your mouth"with products like nacho cheese doritos.People get addicted to food like cinnabon and starbucks'strawberries and creme frappuccionsThe autor also stated that reasearchon rats,he maintains proves that animals brains react to sweet,fatty foods that same that addict to cocaine. food like mcdonald and starbucks are processed food of getting addicted because in starbuckss drinks they have all these un neccesity incredient in the drink so that consumers buys the drink also in the mcdonald alot of people get addicted alot of people get addicted to drink such as sweet tea.sweet carry alot of sugars they used 4oz of sugar juss to make a sweet tea. for example in the movies on super sized me they show that all the food in mcdonlad have a lot of sugar in all the food that people are eating.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

blog16 revision of cat-w #2

     In this passage Imitation of film :here's smoking at you, kid , Nicholas balakar states that "Children ages 10 to 14 are much more likely to take up smoking if they have seen actors smoke in the movies>" I argue that alot of tennager smoke because they have seen their favorite actor they could to be like them they would want popular.Children think actor on t.v is healthy when they smoke so they try to do the samething as them.children also do smoking because of movies they seen.
        Balakar states that movies that are R-rated contain as much smoking.Children under 18 should not be watching movies that are R-rated.Parentsshould talk to their children telling them that smoking is not good for them They should tell their children that smoking can lead to lung cancer.Children shoukd not be able to go into a movie theatre with a movies that are R-rated without their parents.
       Dr James D Sargent,The lead author on the study and a professor of pediatrics at Dartmouth Medical scholl,States that kids begin watching "R-rated movies at fourth or fifth grades." childen should be doin school work at that age not watching R-rated movies.The study interview 6,522 children about their movie-viewing habits.Fifty films were chosen at radom form a list of 532 box." The researchers would add up the number of child who had been exposed to smoking in movies.The author also stated that "children who had the greatest exposure to smoking in movies were more than two a half likely to start smoking as for those who had the lowest".children would want to smoke because they seen their actor smoke but they dont know that they are not doin it for real and that they think they are more heathy.
    My stepbrother always use to say he would want to grow up to smoke because he had seen alot of actor smoking and he would to be like them,i would always tell him that smoking is not good for him.
     In my conclusion,children should not always want to smoke because they seen actor smoking.These actor smoke because they know what they are doing.They should take this very serious.

Monday, April 25, 2011

blog 15 part 2 responding to a factory farming issue

In this issue about food safety the newspaper reports that every single decision a farmer or corporation about growing or raising a certain kind of food affects the finally product. I argue to the newspapers reports that handful of food borne illnesses, 76 million Americans suffer from food because of a lot a harmful toxins and chemicals in their food.. I think this is important because a lot of people could die from bacteria virus. In this issue its stated that “According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 325,000 people are hospitalized for food related illnesses and 5,200 die in that same time period”. All the filthy condition inside a factory farms lead to many this issue they also stated that ‘inside animals has linked to poisoning, infertility,birth defects,damge to the nervous system and polentially cancer, so this is why a lot of people die or get sick from all these food from the farm. With such a significant increase in the speed of processing, workers are hard pressed to maintain the highest level of sanitation.Food safety are not only meat because in 2003 they stated that the largest recorded outbreak of hepatitis A was traced back to green onions in chi_chi.
   For example this video i watch about a man that wat to oversize. before he had start eating mcdonld everyday he went to the doctor and they told him that he was in a good shape so he started eating mcdonald for 30 days it messed of his health by giving him headache and chest pain compared to this most food infection are cause by what food people are eating.

blog 15 part 1 summarizing the story

        The summarizing of meatrix, Leo is a pig that live a normal live until one day Moopheus ask neo if he know anything about the metrix so he offered neo a blue or red pill. Blue pills meaning he stay and the red pills meaning he tell neo the true.neo took the red pill and finally realize wat the real worls is like.In the meatrix agriculture started factory in the mid 20th century.They feed antibiotics to animals to keep them alieve.Morpheus told neo that it never too late to stop.He need to let people know so that they could join and stop them.
        the second summarizing of the meatrix: revolting, 2years people are realizing where there food are coming from.neo and moopheus went to the meatrix to save the rest, Everything look same way but they are really not.The agent of the meatrix shot animals with hormone.cow disease that are fed by dead cows blood.At the end neo and the agent had a fight.they took moopheus neo and the chicken decide to get back moopheus.
   the meatrix II 1/2, the moopheus in a farm factory that produce 5,000 cow per day,workin at the factory get injured by workin as a fast speed the agent tried to hang moopheus to kill him,leo stop chop belt and moopheus got escape.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

blog 14: reflection on media unit

   I found this media somewat difficult and some easy.I find watchin the matrix and the truman show very interesting i like writing the summarry on the movies.the summary i find vry diffuicult is the allegory. i find the summary i find hard was the "allegory of the cave".
         for the first cat.i didnt do really good on my first one because i dint really realte my eriting to the passage so i think i need more practicing on relating the text to my writing.i also i need help on writing my essay in my own words tatz y i think i didnt do good on my first cat.For he scond cat i think i did some wa better than the first one i try to relate more on the passage.i also think i did better than before because of the information dr X ha xplain to us and the format how a essay should look like ,also wat should be in your essay last but not least how to get a 4 or more on your essay.
     I also find this media intersting because we talk about which world is real and whch is not. need to improve more on mmy vocabulay page beacause its helpful for writingyour summary. For the summary,Thesis and claim i find it easy to write your say because you canit  break down to write a good essay.
         I findmyself annotating more.i feel that by annoting it make you write your essay better im happy this unit is oover i enjoy and woul like to find out what the nextunitwould b about. I dontrealylike working in groups because i dont really talk alot and wen the group be having group decision i don be really talkin alot.I need more help on symbolic meaing ofmovies i dont really kno how to relate to a moviesi would like helpin in that.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

blog 13 revision of cat #1

       In   this passage "the dangers of reality T.V". The author Timothy Sexton states that reality television reinforces several unsound message that are molding the minds of the young fans. I believe in this statement because alot of people believing in all this unnecessaries things.alot of people brains is not function because of all these reality.Sexton state that the value of image is goin out of use of education. sexton also states that alot of peoples is watching T.V shows such as "survivor awarding winners a million dollars or who wants to marry a multimillionaire".It is telling people that life is nothing but a competition about furtune of several millons.Sexton stated that the united stated is having more than one business because of reality t.v.sexton give example that singing on american idol who wants a better voice but less attractively "packaged" or someone on the apprentice who is for more competent but of lacks "personalities"
      I disagree with "Why go to school and fce the difficulities of learnin something when you can just get on fear factor,eat bugs and walk away with a bucket of money"because alot of people will be uneducated a person that are difficulties on learning something can always get tutor on their abilities on their work so that they could be better at what they are having hard times with.people should not want to go on fear factor or other reality shows just to win a million dollars.They should get an education so that they could walk away with bucket of money but wont be able to a college graduates or be educated. you could have your education and still become a milllionaire. people should go to school and try to get a better job another than goin on a reality show just to win a millionaire and some people g on the reality show and still dont win a millionaire so it betterto go to school get your education and get a better job that could pay you good money..
       An example of this is fantasia,she is an american Idol winner,but she didnt go to school so she couldnt write or read.she wanted to do something better with her life so that why she went for a try out on american idols so that she could do something bette with her life.
         In my conclusion Reality shows has been distrating alot of young fans minds because they just wanna be on T.V. shows just to win millions and notbe educated.

Monday, April 4, 2011

blog 12-- Summary and response to Red pill or blue pill

  In this passage, "Red Pill or Bill Pill: Is Ignorance Bliss,The author Christine Cornell and Patrick Malcomson stated the difference between the matrix and the alice's adventures in wonderland to show what is real and what is not.The life he had never led he was now experiecing it.
       Cornell and Malcomson give an example of the "Allegory of the cave " stated that the turning away from the light of sun is not the real world. Socrates stated that being it is difficult turning around out of the cave into the bright light.The author stated that neo eyes only hurts beacause he wasnt used to bright lights.The author tells us that "they cannot bear the shock and refuse to believe what has happening is true.this mean that everything they was doing they didnt believe in it and after the believes that everything is true.

The matrix Summary

1. Thomas A. Anderson leads a secret life as a hacker under the alias "Neo" and wishes to learn the answer to the question "What is the Matrix?”20. Cryptic messages appear on Neo’s computer monitor, which lead him to a group led by the mysterious underground hacker Morpheus 21. Morpheus offers Neo a choice between two pills: A blue pill that will return him to his old life, and a red pill that will allow him to learn the answers he seeks. 3. When Neo swallows the red pill, he abruptly finds himself in a liquid-filled pod, his body connected by tubes and cables to a vast mechanical tower covered with identical pods.4. The connections to Neo’s body are severed, he is flushed from the pod, and he is rescued by Morpheus and taken aboard the ship Nebuchadnezzar. 6. Neo's atrophied body is restored to full health on the ship Nebuchadnezzar 2. Morpheus explains the weirdness of Neo’s situation: Artificial Intelligence has enslaved
human beings, growing them in pods and harvesting the energy produced by human metabolism, while they unknowingly live out their lives in a computer programmed virtual reality—the Matrix. 8. Next, Morpheus explains the role of the Agents that have harassed Neo: they are “sentient programs” whose function is to destroy anyone who questions the virtual reality of The Matrix. 11. Lastly, Morpheus explains he has been looking for “The One,” who it is prophesied will come and lead humanity to freedom by destroying the Matrix. Morpheus believes “The One” is Neo. 10. Neo is trained as a member of Morpheus’ crew  9. The Oracle tells Neo that he has the gift of manipulating the Matrix, but that he is waiting for something. 16. The Oracle adds that Morpheus believes in Neo so blindly that he will sacrifice his life to save him.
13. The crew enters The Matrix to take Neo to meet the Oracle, a woman who has predicted the
eventual emergence of the One. 12. When the crew is betrayed to the Agents by Cypher, Morpheus allows himself to be captured so that Neo and the others can escape. 14. Neo and Trinity storm the building where Morpheus is held captive by the Agents and rescue him. 18. Agent Smith shoots Neo dead. In the real world, Trinity refuses to accept Neo’s death, confesses her love, and kisses him. Neo revives in The Matrix.
5. Now Neo is able to perceive the streaming lines of computer code that comprise the Matrix. Neo then uses to his new-found understanding of The Matrix to destroy Agent Smith. 17. The ship Nebuchadnezzar is discovered and attacked by machines called Sentinels. 7. A short epilogue shows Neo back in The Matrix, making a telephone call promising that he will demonstrate to the people imprisoned in The Matrix that"anything is possible." He then flies away.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The perfect world versus the real world (Google Groups question 1)
Cristoff creates what he considers a “perfect world” for Truman to live “happily ever af
 No, I wouldn’t wanna live in christoff”s world because in his world everything was fake his mother, wife and friends were all fake. They had even fake his father dead. they  they have him feeling like hes a prisoner enery where he goes there somebody watching him I wouldn’t wanna be in the the film christoff’s state that he is not aware of what is happening in his life and he can’t control it. In this case turman don’t know wat is happening in his life. Until one day he notice.
         The world we living in is very different from what truman is living he truman world everybody greet him wit a good morning,they were all friendly and nice. but they are only doin it because everything was fake and he didnt notice.he is good because he did everything the same everyday until he notice there was something goin on.truman need to find out why everything is so perfect but is so boring.he was manage to escape all this lies that he had been born into. In our world i dont think people would want their life to be make out of money.cuz people wouldnt want their friends to lie to them.In the film christoff stated that the world truman is living in is a sick place and that seaheaven is where he belong
     Seaman want to eliminate that the outside world is not perfect and what hes living in now is where hes suppose to be.

Friday, March 25, 2011

blog10 Reflection on Skills

In writing skills i have learned about annotating,summarizing and how to write a thesis statement. i had learn that you have to agree or disagree when your writing annotating. it also help you respond critically,it better to underline important fact in the passage. i leared that summarizing have to be written in your own words. you have to be mostly fcus on the main ideas you should always mention the author name in your essay.
     What have prove that i have learned is when i be writing in my blog .
  The material that we have covered that still unclear to me is the thesis statement i dont reallly understand that really good.I didnt get to learned anything on paragraphing beacause i ahve miss that class i would like to make up that work.i didnt really understand the summary on "the allegory of the cave.
   i would say i feel more confident o my basic skills because i have learned about how an essay should be like and how an essay should be for the cat essay.the nly thing i shuld not do is summarize the same essay as the passage try t use my own words.
    i would like to get more help on the thesis statement and on the paragraphing.

blog 9

blog8:developing your summary and response to"I know the truth,so dont bother me with facts.

In "I know the truth,so don't bother me with the fact,"Jeffery Kluger state that humans have long deceived by rumors,but the effort often state university determine a study of false beliefs,want it takes to free for communication at ohio state university,the both recruited 750 people that were familiar with believing them they will determine if opinion would change and how theirs facts will present.kluger stated that even when they take time to learn its often not good. The author ends his passage by stating thAT "We must not always agree on what the facts means,we should agree .
           i agree with the Kluger when he states that"people do take the time to learn the facts,the effort often no good because people dont always believe in everything.alot of people dont really wanna be told that they are wrong.its up to us if we wanna if we wanna believe in alot of things.

Monday, March 21, 2011

blog 7 reflecting on thesis based writing

i have learn from the thesis based is that a claim is a argument that you have learn.i have learn that a thesis statement is a single claim to support or explain the essay.

i have lean that i learn it because i had do my own claim and thesis statement

 Whati help my learning is working in groups and dr x example.

I was kind of confusing and didnt really understand most of it.

blog 6 things i do not beleive in anymore

the things that i do not believe in is
1.santa clause
2.bloody marie

blog 5 summarizing what the allegory stand for

In Plato's "The allegory of the cave." socrates tells a story to his student Glaucon to explain humans living underground. Humans neck and legs were chained so that they cant move.Behind them were fired blazing at distance.Humans could see only their shodows or others and also could only see the shodows of the object that were being carried by looking straight at the light they would have pain in their eyes he will not be able to see anything.Socrates continues by saying that the prisoner got used to the light of the outside world and soon after he was thrown back to the cave. At first he couldn’t see inside of the cave because his eyes got adjust to the light from outside the cave. Now that darkness is in his life again he felted lost.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog 4: Revision of "Hype."

                        In this passage the "hype" The author Kalle Lasn inform us that Advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants.      The author states that everyday there were an estimate of 12 billion display ads, 3millions of radio commercials, and also more than 200,000 TV commercials. The author say that Ads is no longer in the usual place such as buses, billboards, or stadiums it is everywhere your eyes come to an rest. The Author also state even in company they have advertisement about supermarket carts so that you can see ads while you shop. The Author last paragraph stated that there is nowhere to run and no one is exempt. Lasn state that the pollution flood your brain with a lot of message per day about advertisement.
         The author state that "your kids watch Pepsi and snickers ads in the classroom. If a kid is busy paying attention to ads about Pepsi  and snickers they will not be able to learn anything in the classroom and also fail that class. They should not have advertisement is school cause it will distract a lot kids on their school work. I think that a lot of advertisement will mess up people brain because its so many advertisement that a lot of people will not be able to think.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

blog3.reflecting on a summary

I have learn that summary have to be in your own words talkin  about the main ideas in the passage.i also learn that you dhould not copy the same words from the text.

-I know that i have learn today in class because i could write my own summary by using the information i had learn in class.

-i learned that you have to use the author and title in your summary and also that you have to state the begin and end in the passage.

-i feel good that i have learn alot about writing a summary and the format that you should use in your summary.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

blog 2

Annotation helps me respond more in my texts. helps me to understand more

from writing annotations i get to learn new strategy on how to respond to an article

an annotating will make me a better writng because  it help me organize  my essay and gets more information.

I learn that annotation really help us on writing a stategy from reading.

Monday, March 7, 2011


     In this passage the "hype" The author Kalle Lasn inform us that Advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants.I argue wit this statement about Advetisement because there are advertisement everywhere you turn. some people get distracted from all the advertisement.
      The author states that everyday there were an estimate of 12 billion display ads,3millions of radio commercials, and also more than 200,000 TV commercials. Ads is no longer in the usual place such as buses,billboards,or stadiums it is everywhere your eyes come to an rest.the Author also state even in company they have advertisement about supermarket carts so that you can see ads while you shop.the Author last paragraph stated that there is nowhere to run and no one is exempt.
         The author state that "your kids watch pepsi and snickers ads in the classroom. If a kid is busy paying attention to ads about pepsi  and snickers they will not be able to learn anything in the classroom and also fail that class.they should not have advertisement is school cause it will distract a lot kids on their school work.
        My example about this passage is that everyday I get an advertisement on my phone about jobs hiring even early in the morning I get text about an advertisement. i also get advertisement about different product.
      In my conclusion,there is nowhere that you go and there is not a advertisement.there will be a advertisement everywhere you turn.

my expectation

  In this writing class i expect to improve in my writing skill I also wanna pass this class so that i could take the cat-w n pass to go to the ENA101.