Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The perfect world versus the real world (Google Groups question 1)
Cristoff creates what he considers a “perfect world” for Truman to live “happily ever af
 No, I wouldn’t wanna live in christoff”s world because in his world everything was fake his mother, wife and friends were all fake. They had even fake his father dead. they  they have him feeling like hes a prisoner enery where he goes there somebody watching him I wouldn’t wanna be in the the film christoff’s state that he is not aware of what is happening in his life and he can’t control it. In this case turman don’t know wat is happening in his life. Until one day he notice.
         The world we living in is very different from what truman is living he truman world everybody greet him wit a good morning,they were all friendly and nice. but they are only doin it because everything was fake and he didnt notice.he is good because he did everything the same everyday until he notice there was something goin on.truman need to find out why everything is so perfect but is so boring.he was manage to escape all this lies that he had been born into. In our world i dont think people would want their life to be make out of money.cuz people wouldnt want their friends to lie to them.In the film christoff stated that the world truman is living in is a sick place and that seaheaven is where he belong
     Seaman want to eliminate that the outside world is not perfect and what hes living in now is where hes suppose to be.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good beginning, Lisa, but notice you are not answering all the questions. For instance:

    What does the world Cristoff has created tell us about OUR OWN society? What problems from OUR society does Christoff seem to want to solve, or “eliminate” for Truman? What problems does he leave in Truman’s world?
