Wednesday, April 6, 2011

blog 13 revision of cat #1

       In   this passage "the dangers of reality T.V". The author Timothy Sexton states that reality television reinforces several unsound message that are molding the minds of the young fans. I believe in this statement because alot of people believing in all this unnecessaries things.alot of people brains is not function because of all these reality.Sexton state that the value of image is goin out of use of education. sexton also states that alot of peoples is watching T.V shows such as "survivor awarding winners a million dollars or who wants to marry a multimillionaire".It is telling people that life is nothing but a competition about furtune of several millons.Sexton stated that the united stated is having more than one business because of reality t.v.sexton give example that singing on american idol who wants a better voice but less attractively "packaged" or someone on the apprentice who is for more competent but of lacks "personalities"
      I disagree with "Why go to school and fce the difficulities of learnin something when you can just get on fear factor,eat bugs and walk away with a bucket of money"because alot of people will be uneducated a person that are difficulties on learning something can always get tutor on their abilities on their work so that they could be better at what they are having hard times with.people should not want to go on fear factor or other reality shows just to win a million dollars.They should get an education so that they could walk away with bucket of money but wont be able to a college graduates or be educated. you could have your education and still become a milllionaire. people should go to school and try to get a better job another than goin on a reality show just to win a millionaire and some people g on the reality show and still dont win a millionaire so it betterto go to school get your education and get a better job that could pay you good money..
       An example of this is fantasia,she is an american Idol winner,but she didnt go to school so she couldnt write or read.she wanted to do something better with her life so that why she went for a try out on american idols so that she could do something bette with her life.
         In my conclusion Reality shows has been distrating alot of young fans minds because they just wanna be on T.V. shows just to win millions and notbe educated.

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